Wat is life theory?
It means the theory we hav to learn in order to understand y we r living n y we r living for...
How to say life theory in other language?
Chinese : Ren Sherng Dao Li
Cantonese : Yan Sang Dou Lei
BM : Prinsip Hidup
Tamil : @#$%^&*(
Other language : still discovering
There r a lot of life theory that we hav to learn... not onli learning, but understanding it... not onli understanding it, but also experience it... i will list a few =D
the fruit will ripe when it is the time to
nothing is easy or hard, it just depend how much effort you put and how much time you used to solve it
if a grandma is running, there is something curious happening
dont because of 1 tree you let go of the whole forest
the time will never wait for us, only we will wait for the time
girls in study will always better than boys in school
boys are born to be leader
girls are good in memorizing and boys are good in creative/thinking skill
Love posses not nor would it be possed
secret are meant to be known sooner or later
a secret makes a woman woman
dun look down on other people as other may do so on you
the bigger it is, the harder it will fall
the beauty inside is the most important compare to outside
tall or short doesnt affect what you will achieve
break with 1 is harder to together with 1
problem cant be solve with deaths nor suicide
smiling make a person happy
there is grey colour between white and black
some are born to be lucky while other are lucky to be born
stand from where you fall but fall in different spot
never tell secret to parent as they may spread it to your relative
everyone is good at something, no 1 is good at everything
there are never perfect in us
never give up just caus of failure
yesterday is history, tomorrow is future, today is gift
sleep eat breath play while you can as you will never know when you will die
the number 0 is the largest in all number
playing games helps in memorizing things
study much may leads to death or crazy
we are not alone... there are aliens outside of this world
there is 8th colour in rainbow
dont judge a person by looks
dun be affected by other, just do what you like
still got much more... but lazy write... keke... and 1 more which i wan to include is
I m always there for my friends and family =D